My Projects

Featured projects are open source and hosted on Netlify. Enjoy.

Heritage India Website

Static landing page built using basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. As my first coding project, many things need fixing, the most notable being the lack of responsiveness. However, it's essential for me to go back and evaluate how much I've grown, so I find it best to leave my coding milestones as is.

Weather App ⛅

Fully-functioning weather app built using advanced HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap. This project uses an API integration powered by OpenWeather. Find out your favorite city's forecast for the next five days, or have fun searching when the sun rose in Sydney today.

My Portfolio Website 👩🏻‍💻

The online portfolio you're currently looking at was built using advanced HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. This project is fully responsive in all mobile viewports and follows SEO best practices. Stay tuned for more fun projects as I keep sharpening my skills.

Dictionary App 📖

This will be my first coding project using React. Come back later and see how it turned out!